Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :

Remember Me . . .
From Sea-to-Shining Sea.
The Lawless Killing of Laken Riley
22-Year Old Nursing Student
Killed by Illegal Immigrant
On February 22, 2024, Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student
at Augusta University, was kidnapped and killed by illegal
immigrant Jose Antonio Ibarra when she was jogging at
the University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens, Georgia.
Read more at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Laken_Riley

Think not that I'm forever
gone . . .

Know to wit! Yea, know
every bit:
"Eternity Itself" did
Welcome Me Home!

Now, I firmly ask . . .
Yea, I even demand to know together with
"Eternal Law" in the raw . . .

Who flung open the borders of
My dearly beloved Home -
of My beloved America
from Sea-to-Shining-Sea
to allow Me to be lawlessly
killed by a lawless criminal
which have no regard -
which have no respect
for those
"Eternal Laws of Life"
intended to safeguard and
govern the Blessed Citizenry
of Blessed America?! Yea,
who are the ones which
show no regard for
those immutable
"Eternal Laws" intended
to safeguard and govern
the ways of living here
at Home in the
U.S.A. and Around the World
from Shore-to-Shore
for "All of Humanity"
in every way?!
This was indeed a horrific
"Crime Against Me" which
equates to a horrific
"Crime Against Humanity!"

There are no words to really say
the depth of grief and sadness
"We All" feel this day:
Laken should not have been
lawlessly taken . . .
Laken should have flourished
in every way to live out that
precious life intended for
the true Citizenry
of law-abiding
Human beings endowed with
the vibrancy of Life: Yea,
the precious Life of Laken
was never intended to
be taken with the
deadly harms of criminal violence
which continue to proliferate
against innocence day-by-day.

The "Changing of the Guard"
is accomplished for the
"lawful, sustainable longevity"
of the U.S. Citizenry that is
also an inextricable member
of that forever . . .
"Eternal Family of Humanity."
- EPACHA Foundation -

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